Sunday, December 1, 2013

i just want to thank someone for this

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around 'December' this afternoon. I've been waiting for December ever since April when I first saw those two little pink lines that spring morning. I was thinking about December all spring in between bouts of all-day sickness, all summer as my belly started to grow, and all fall as the winter seemed so close I could almost touch it yet so very far away.

And now it's here, but it doesn't feel like December. I put on some Christmas music this afternoon in hopes that it would get me in the mood to decorate for Christmas. It sort of worked, but with the sun shining and Matthew outside without a coat raking up leaves, December still feels a long ways off. We are days from our due date, weeks from Christmas with family, and today it feels like it's the beginning of October with nothing but waiting stretched out ahead of us.

Matthew and I had a very nice Thanksgiving, just the two of us. This was the first time, and quite possibly the last time for 20 years, that we celebrated with just us two (well, 2.975). Matthew cooked a delicious turkey and we made all the fixin's. We watched movies and played games and just enjoyed the day - the whole weekend, actually. We know everything's about to change, so we're trying to savor all we can of our "normal life" before our normal changes.

And now Thanksgiving is over. I've put my pumpkin spice candles away in favor of cranberries and peppermint, the big leaf bowl on the center of the kitchen island has been swapped for the snowman bowl from my mother-in-law, and the Christmas tree is up next to the fireplace waiting to be decorated.

And we wait. Advent has some added significance this year. Our hearts wait to celebrate the Incarnation, and Matthew and I wait to welcome our child into this world, any day now.

Below is probably one of my top 5 favorite songs ever, "Don't You Want to Thank Someone" by Andrew Peterson. It haunts me and blesses me and fills me with wonder in thinking about the Story, and how God continually reveals more and more of it in the sorrows and in the joys. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and happy Advent. He is coming soon...

'Cause I can hear the voice of one
He's crying in the wilderness
"Make ready for the Kingdom Come"
Don't you want to thank someone for this?